The UK Wing Chun Kung Fu Assoc. has a well established grading syllabus and has produced many high quality students and teachers due to this clear approach. Any person can learn Wing Chun, but it is not everyone that can achieve a good ability. A functioning well tested approach is what is required. Our Wing Chun Hand Skills requirements in the 2nd and 3rd level grading are a real challenge.
Wing Chun Hand Skills are based on a number of qualities. Here a few attributes facilitated through the practice:
To understand how to apply the frames of the Art, sometime called ‘blocks’.
To use and take advantage of ‘Gates’.
To improve spatial awareness through ‘Distance Judgement’.
To develop ‘Co-ordination’.
To develop ‘Timing’.
To develop Calmness under pressure.
The UKWCKFA relies on this combination training as part of the 2nd and 3rd level gradings. They require considerable effort to achieve good a good level of accomplishment.