Wing Chun Kung Fu Sites
we do not expect you to join us, although we would welcome you! Below you will find some Wing Chun Links to classes and schools that are in no way affiliated to the UKWCKFA.
As a long established Wing Chun Kung Fu Association you can trust the UK Wing Chun Kung Fu Assoc to be able to give good advice. We have developed close links to many of the leading Wing Chun teachers in the world. Below you will find links to our own branch websites, and then links to other respected teachers and sites worthy of visiting. Whenever you consider approaching a teacher to learn the Art of Wing Chun Kuen, you must ensure you are going to be treated with respect. Please make sure that you:
- Feel you can ask any question to, and of, your prospective teacher.
- You teacher is not egotistical and do not place themselves on a pedestal.
- You should always be able to have a free trial period.
- Be suspicious of any group that wishes you to sign a contract that relates to future payments.
- Martial Art classes are not cults, the teacher has only learnt before you and nothing more!
Other Sites:

A site built and owned by one of the most popular ever students of the UK Wing Chun Kung Fu Assoc. Follow this link to view and purchase some beautiful hand made jewellery, that is ethically sourced from Thailand.