James Sinclair was very kindly invited to attend a seminar on the approach to Wing Chun taken by Master Alan Orr and the his teacher Master Robert Chu.
Alan has a great pedigree and is always pushing the boundaries to keep Wing Chun respected and real. Alan’s full contact teams enter many MMA competitions and have performed very well winning multiple titles.
Like our own Sifu Mark Phillips Alan too is a Brazilian Jiu Jitsu blackbelt and this has helped his fighters better apply their Wing Chun skills by being less vulnerable to throws, takedowns and ground skills.
Alan has now headed home on a long trip back to New Zealand, However, Alan did discuss a future joint seminar with James Snclair open to all. In fact, many of the attendees at Alan’s seminar asked James if we was open to conducting a seminar in London at some point.
James has only taught once or twice in London for the London Wing Chun Academysince leaving London in 1985.