Master James Sinclair
Founder & Chief Instructor

Founded the UK Wing Chun Kung Fu Association in October 1985.
Position: Founder & Chief Instructor
Experience: Over 45 years in Wing Chun.
Teaching Location: Rayleigh Essex, SS6 9QW, Bedford, Cambridgeshire and Leicestershire.
- Member of the Ving Tsun Athletic Association (Hong Kong)
- Ip Man Martial Art Athletic Assoc (Hong Kong)
- World Wing Chun Union (Hong Kong)
- Martial Arts Commission of Great Britain
Media Exposure:
- BBC Way of the Warrior
- Bravo Ultimate Warriors
- Fighter Magazine Front Cover and contributor – numerous
- Martial Arts Illustrated Front Cover and contributor – numerous
- Wing Chun Illustrated Front Cover and contributor – numerous
- BBC Television – numerous
- BBC Radio – numerous
- Local Radio – numerous
- Hong Kong Television News
- China State television News
- National Newspapers – numerous
- Local Newspapers – numerous
- DVD Releases – numerous

James Sinclair began his martial art studies in 1972 when he started a karate style under the guidance of Sensei Alan White.Sensei White instilled in James Sinclair the martial art spirit that he carries to this day. Even though James later left to train in Wing Chun, he has always held his first teacher in high regard.
The first influences that any person experiences are so important and, through Sensei White’s encouragement and example, James Sinclair has been left with a lasting legacy of Martial Art Spirit.
Master James Sinclair, went on to train in Wing Chun Kung Fu for a decade in Essex & London.
Showing total one mindedness and dedication and soon became a senior student and even represented his teacher at British Kung Fu Council and Martial Art Commission events.
In October 1985 the United Kingdom Wing Chun Kung Fu Association was born.
Amongst the first UK Wing Chun Kung Fu Assoc. students were Abid Mahmood (retired), Eric Wilson, Mark Phillips, Kwok Wan Cheung, Andrew Cameron, Paul Hawkes, Ross Mockeridge, Steve Hazell, Kevin Chan and many, many more.
All of these students had to train hard to build a strong foundation, a part of their training that they still rely on to this day. There were many other notable students who no longer teach. Amongst the most talented were Sifu Kevin Oldman and the late Sifu Bobby Beach.

James teaches at the National HQ in Essex on Thursdays. James is still very much a hands on teacher, and teaches students at ALL levels. As the Founder and Chief Instructor he also focusses on those students who would like to move forward and teach, thus spreading the Art and growing the approach of the UKWCKFA.
James Sinclair also teaches at threee branches of the Assoc. He teaches Leicester on Monday evenings St Neots on Tuesday evenings and , Bedford on Wednesday evening. You will be welcome to attend regardless of your experience in the Art.
Every month James ‘Teaches The Teacher’s’ of the UKWCKFA at the National HQ. This is held every 3rd Sunday of the month from 6-8pm. To attend you must have good personal Wing Chun ability, have passed the Siu Nim Tao grading and discuss the required commitments prior to attending.
If you are a student from another Assoc. and are considering teaching as part of the UKWCKFA please contact Master Sinclair directly and he will discuss the support and options we can offer.
Many people cannot attend mainstream classes, some simply prefer the convenience and opportunity to gain the very best coaching one to one with the focus solely on their own training.
All students gain from Personal Tuition from time to time, with some having had lessons for many years this way. There are a few exceptionally good students who remain largely unknown as they do not attend mainstream classes at all. However, Master Sinclair is of the opinion that Personal Tuition is of most benefit when you also train in mainstream classes as you gain the valuable experience from crossing hands (Chi Sau and Sparring) with as many different people as possible.
James teaches private lessons at the National HQ in Rayleigh Essex and at his Cambridgeshire personal kwoon.
Private lessons and small group training is only available if you are known to Master Sinclair, or by prior interview before any decision is made.
1972: Martial Arts started in the Karate style under Sensei Alan White
1979: Recognised teacher of Wing Chun Kung Fu by the Martial Arts Commission of Great Britain
1981: First meeting and training under Ip Chun
1981: Featured in BBC documentary, ‘The Way of the Warrior’
1985: U.K. Wing Chun Kung Fu Association Founded
1987: Featured on ‘Fighters’ magazine front cover
1989: Formally completed the Wing Chun system
1990: Three U.K. Wing Chun Kung Fu Association schools
1998: Martial Arts Illustrated Video Magazine
1999: Release of World Famous Pure & Simple Wing Chun DVD
2000: First full-time U.K. Wing Chun Kung Fu Association school
2002: Release of the very popular Wallbag Training DVD
2004: Featured on T.V. program Ultimate Warriors
2005: Personal invitation by Ip Chun to visit VTAA Second World Conference
2005: Accepted as lifetime member of VTAA